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When you’re traveling, the question of what to do in the evening–when museums have closed, postcards have been bought and written, and looking at the walls of your hotel room just won’t cut it anymore–often poses a particular dilemma to any traveler. So, fancying yourself quite the adventurer, you stop by a restaurant or a bar, hoping that with any luck you’ve chosen the right venue on the right night with the right people and have a blast. But, let’s be honest: sometimes your adventurous intuition just isn’t that good…

So what do you do?! All you’re asking for is to be able to post the pictures of yet another great evening you’ve had while traveling the world on Facebook to show everyone how totally cool your life is… (Don’t lie to yourself. It’s true.)

Lucky for you, if you happen to be passing through Brasov (which I know so many of you are), I’m here to help.

I wrapped up my first week in Brasov, after finally meeting other teaching volunteers and having friends(!), by spending Friday night at Deane’s Irish Pub. I know, I know, an Irish pub in Romania? Doesn’t sound like quite the experience you were looking for. If you only happen to be in town for a night, I can understand that you may want to opt for something more local. But I will tell you this: the place was filled with Romanians. And, you can always grab a Romanian meal and swing by Deane’s after. (Plus, to make you seem even cooler to your friends who are sitting in their offices looking at your Facebook page instead of working, Hayden Deane himself is the main attraction on Fridays, and who doesn’t like to say they hung out with the owner of one of Brasov’s Friday hot-spots?)

Deane’s, other than becoming our go-to pub, is hopping on Friday nights. The already mentioned owner, Hayden Deane, and his Big Band play a medley of jazz and 50s style crooners, like New York, New York (I shed a few tears thinking of my many times over almost home and all of my friends that live there now), as well as one or two traditional Romanian cântece.

Now, if you know me at all, you’ll know that I’m a sucker for anything that reminds me of the 1920s. Big band music? Yes please! A smokey basement that, if you really use your imagination, can remind you of prohibition? Always!

But for those of you who aren’t Zelda Fitzgerald at heart, let me try talking up Friday nights at Deane’s to you in a different manner: not only can Deane sing (even ending his last number standing on a table) but his band, a group consisting mainly of Romanians, is excellent. Deane, a true Irishman, has a Romanian wife, and, if singing on tables didn’t already make it clear, is an excellent entertainer. He even came over to our table, where he told me that he had just been to Charlotte, NC (I probably saw him without even knowing!), and where he jumped for joy (leprechaun style) when he discovered a real, live Irishman in our midst, red hair and all.

But be warned, especially if you’re getting dinner elsewhere first, Deane’s fills up quickly on Fridays, many people reserving tables as early as Tuesday in preparation. We got there at 20:00, and were still able to snag a table big enough for our group right in front (I almost went deaf in my right ear), and waited until about 21:15 or 21:30 for the band to start their gig.

Totally worth it. Even the ringing in my ear later that night.

My favorite moment? Probably when couples starting dancing. My feet too, we’re itching for a little swing dancing, but alas… maybe next time.

And one final tip for undoubtedly enjoying your evening: make sure you have drinks in front of you. Once the place gets packed it’s hard to catch the waiters’ attention. But, if all else fails, you can do what I did and hunt one of them down. You do what you have to, right?!

Noroc! Cheers!